Friday, May 2, 2014

7 tips for newly opened strip clubs, part two

In part one we talked about promotion, traffic-building, and freebies to get your club off the ground. Now we’ll be discussing the remaining four tips from an operational perspective:

4) Push the envelope. You have to make some noise in order to be heard; therefore, you cannot be afraid to be bold, innovate, and take risks. As most people are creatures of habit, they generally don’t like to mix things up unless there’s a clear proposition of value to them. What makes your club different? Why should a guest spend money at your bar when there’s another bar down the street that’s more established? These are questions you should seriously ask yourself as you formulate your strategy. And while you’re pushing the envelope, be sure to stay abreast of emerging trends among your competitors. Monitor them as closely as you can. You do not want your rivals to leverage any kind of competitive advantage.

5) Listen to your patrons and talent. This one should go without saying. What are they saying about your club? What do they like? What do they not like? How can you improve the experience for them? Ask questions of your visitors, dancers, and staff members. Be especially aware of the type of opinions your club generates online within social media and review sites. This feedback is especially critical in the first six months, which is considered the sink-or-swim phase. Many of your initial talent and customers will stick with you if you do a good job responding to their needs, so be sure to reward the trailblazers by taking their opinions to heart for the consideration of newcomers.

6) Stay the course. The strip club business is not for the faint-of-heart, so you’re going to encounter some serious challenges, roadblocks, and setbacks on your way to success. Just ask any successful gentlemen’s club entrepreneur, and they'll tell you first-hand how scary the journey can be. Still, do not be discouraged from losses or negative feedback early on. It can take some time for your club’s niche to take hold and for people to gain awareness. However, if you pay attention to what's happening in your business, you can minimize your negative experiences and you will be well on your way to running a successful gentlemen’s club enterprise.

7) Be responsive to the way your bar evolves. It is very important to be fluid and understand the dynamics and intricacies of your club environment, talent, and staff members. Be aware of certain trends and patterns that emerge internally, and adjust your strategy as necessary. The best course of action is always prevention. While you may have a certain vision and strategy for success, the best practice is to always do what’s right for the business. Never allow club politics to impede your path to success.

Hopefully you found these seven tips for your new gentlemen’s club to be useful and practical. We look forward to stopping in your club someday and having a drink to your success!

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