Saturday, February 8, 2014

7 easy ways to increase customer satisfaction

As we saw in our last blog post, the answer is yes--customer service does indeed matter, and it matters a lot! More often than not, the experience that your guests have will make the difference from someone visiting your club next week versus the one across the street. We talked about this in an earlier blog post discussing valet parking and first impressions. Remember that strip clubs derive most of their business from regular customers, and when you lose a regular customer, you lose an income stream.

Now here are some tips you can implement at your club right away, and with very little effort:

Be friendly and welcoming. Shake hands with your guests. Hold doors for them whenever possible. Give first-time guests tours of your club the same you would for a new dancer. The possibilities are endless!

Remember names. Make an effort to get to know your regular customers, their likes and dislikes, and their preferences. It will pay off in the long run--everyone always likes to feel appreciated and welcome!

Say thank you, and genuinely mean it. This is one of the easiest things you can do, even for something as simple a $5 tip. You never know when you're dealing with a generous tipper or not!

Take care of and recognize longstanding customers, whether they're daily staples or once-a-month regulars. They will appreciate it by providing continued business, and so will you!

Share the enthusiasm among coworkers. When customers see that your employees are having a good time, it gives the impression that they genuinely want to be there and want their guests to have a good time.

If you make a mistake, own up to it and offer to make the situation better. Sometimes, the right thing to do isn't always the easiest. Good will gestures often go a long way.

Most importantly, treat your dancers well. This one goes without saying! The dancers are the backbone of your club and without the talent, you just have an empty bar with no clientele. And without clientele, you have no business.

A good rule of thumb in business is that you treat your clients with respect and politeness so that they may pay it forward to others in the future, including you! This is probably the simplest and most compelling reason to provide good customer service: because it's the right thing to do.

Cabaret Marketing Group is always here for you when you need us, and we strive to provide premium satisfaction for our clients and vendors. Contact us today at 248.871.7540 if you'd like us to take your club to the next level. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @CabaretMG. Happy clubbing!

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