Thursday, January 23, 2014

The importance of valet parking

Valet parking is an important aspect of the upscale gentlemen's club. Today's clubs are about creating the strongest possible experience for your employees, your talent, and your guests. If you are not utilizing valet parking services at your strip club, you are missing out!

Today, we're going to cover why valet parking is critical to your club's success. There are many reasons why your club should take advantage of valet parking aside from providing an additional revenue stream for your business. Here are a few of the more common reasons:

Valets are the very first people your guests and talent are going to interact with. When customers and prospective dancers drive up to your bar (or arrive in a taxi), their first impressions are going to be solidified by their interactions with the valet--not the property, not the landscaping, not the stage talent, not the interior, not the atmosphere, not the door girls, etc.

Creating a solid first impression right out of the gate is going to demonstrate to a prospective guest or dancer that your club is the real deal, and this will give them the confidence that they're going to have a fantastic time! It will also give prospective talent the impression that your club attracts the best possible clientele.

Having mandatory valet parking demonstrates to guests that your club is an upscale establishment and that generous tipping and spending is to be expected. It's important to have that reality conveyed quickly and efficiently, and the presence of a valet does an excellent job of doing this.

The most important responsibility that a valet has is protecting the property of the guests, staff, and dancers. Because of restrictive zoning regulations and licensing issues, many strip clubs are often located in locations that are sparsely populated. Further complicating things is the fact that eighty percent of your business takes place from 7pm to 3am.

So...expensive vehicles + after dark + few people around + no security = gold mine for criminals!

If nothing else, valets give added peace of mind and help to keep your property secure.

In areas that experience harsh climates, such as in the Midwest, valets can also assist with warming up cars and clearing snow from vehicles. Small gestures like this are often the difference between a guest coming to your club or your competitor across the street when he's ready to return next week.

Of course, many guests and dancers have mixed opinions on the usefulness of valet parking. Whenever you hear those types of comments, though, be sure to remind them of the above points to help frame their thinking about it. Remember, perception is reality! The most important thing that you have to remember over anything else is that clubs are mainly selling an experience.

If the usage of valet parking is cost prohibitive to your club because of insurance or other reasons, understand that there are many ways to structure the financial arrangement. You can also sub-contract the valet services to outside companies.

The next post in this series will explain why the type of valet you use is equally as important as the presence of a valet.

Contact Cabaret Marketing Group today if you would like more information on how to implement valet parking at your club or to utilize a better valet parking strategy! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter at @CabaretMG and on Facebook at

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