Thursday, January 30, 2014

12 free Twitter tips you can use to promote your club

Most of today's upscale strip clubs have an online presence, and yet only a fraction of these are utilizing their websites efficiently by keeping them up-to-date, useful, and modern. Even fewer are actively taking advantage of free and established social media channels to advertise their businesses. Seems hard to believe, right?

A number of club managers and owners that believe that maintaining social media profiles is cost-prohibitive and/or time consuming. The reality is that the strip club of today is providing a social experience, not just a visual one; therefore, having a top-notch social media network should be seen as a natural extension of your club's activities. 

There is also a misconception that only the corporate chains and/or tourist-oriented gentlemen's clubs "need" social media profiles. But the fact of the matter is that clubs of all sizes benefit from having social media profiles, and the expenses can be offset by the additional traffic coming through the door as a result of such efforts.

Many types of websites fall under the umbrella of social media: YouTube, podcasts, review sites, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Social media promotion is a key component of any organization's digital marketing strategy, so it is essential that you utilize these resources as efficiently as possible if you wish to have a strong web presence.

Today's article is going to focus on the usefulness of the social networking and microblogging site Twitter as a promotional platform. The real-time, conversational aspect of Twitter is perfect for the fast-paced strip club world as it conveys information, images, and links quickly and easily. 

Without further ado, here are twelve easy tips that you can use to improve your Twitter dominance--which in turn will improve your bottom line!

1. Engage your audience. Engaging your audience is important because it shows them that you're talking with them, and not at them. Ask questions of them, get a rise out of them, and encourage them to participate in the conversation. You may get some surprising reactions!

2. Post frequently. Ideally, this would mean several times a day. You should post as often as possible to give the impression that the energy level is going strong within your club (this really works)! It also lets your followers know that you are an "active" participant on the site instead of a passive observer.

3. Post consistently. If people know when to expect your content, then you'll get a better response when you actually do post the content. You may want to focus on your most profitable days and business hours and keep in mind staffing, club traffic, and other needs.

4. Offer value. Provide your followers with something of value. Your audience is going to be more appreciative of the value you bring if you can give them something for free. This means that you should offer discounts, special promotions, etc in addition to the occasional thought or announcement. 

Our research has shown that customers who visit a club once are 80 percent more likely to consider visiting in the future based on that initial experience alone.

5. Be compelling. Make sure the content you deliver is top notch and thorough, be it photos, links, etc. Provide details about your club, current events related to clubbing, and much more--the possibilities are endless. By doing this, you increase the likelihood of gaining new followers and new guests.

6. Use graphics, audio, etc in your club posts, not just links. People respond to a variety of different media and social networking sites are no different. This keeps things interesting and adds an unpredictable element to your day to day activities, just like within the club itself!

7. Have your followers help to spread your information. Encourage likes, favorites, retweets, etc to others. This tip is critical because your followers are going to be likely to follow other clubs and/or know people interested in clubbing also, which you can convert into a new customer.

8. Know your audience and target them efficiently. Know what they like, don't like, respond to, and tweak your posts as needed. It's also helpful to know how to write creatively, know the jargon of Twitter and its quirks, such as with hashtags, etc. This is a simple tip that is one of the most often overlooked.

9. Repeat your message. In order to take advantage of the full effectiveness of Twitter you may want to consider repeating certain posts at different points throughout the day. People might have simply missed it if they didn't catch it earlier. A repeat once or twice is fine without giving the impression of spamming/trolling.

10. Share during peak periods. Most bars get going during the evening hours, so a best practice might be to focus your efforts on the nighttime crowd and not so much the daytime. This is when people are more likely to look at your feed, if they are actively following you.

11. Spread content from your followers. Share some of their tweets if it's relevant to your club. Consider retweeting and favoriting their posts as well. This will make you stand out from the other similar Twitter feeds they may be subscribed to.

12. Follow your followers in return! I cannot stress this one enough and this is probably the easiest and simplest one to do. Users are sometimes suspicious of accounts that have a large number of users following them, but no followers as it can appear spammy.

There you have it! Most of these tips seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how underused these ideas really are. 

By taking advantage of these twelve easy and simple tips, you'll be well on your way to social media success! Put these into practice right away and hopefully you'll see some results quickly--it doesn't take very long.

As always, we here at Cabaret Marketing Group are happy to provide assistance with your social media strategy--among other services! Follow us on Twitter today at @CabaretMG, or call us at 248.871.7540 to learn more about what we can do for your club. In the meantime, happy tweeting!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Using virtual tours to showcase your club

What if I told you that prospective guests could take a tour of your club, explore the stages, walk around inside the VIP areas, and check out the bar…all without leaving the house?

We here at Cabaret Marketing Group are proud to present to you another fantastic way of showcasing your upscale gentlemen’s club: by adding a virtual tour with Google Maps Business Photos!*

Many businesses in different industries have found success in capturing new customers with extensive, interactive tours of their organizations. In a visual industry like ours, virtual tours are the perfect medium for promotional opportunities—and yet, very few strip clubs are taking advantage of this relatively inexpensive way of advertising their businesses!

The premise of Google Maps Business Photos is similar to that of the now widely-used Google Street View application: high-definition cameras take panoramic images of a place using a 360° view. The images are then placed on a map that users can explore with their computer or mobile device. The comprehensive, high-definition aspect of the photos means that users can get a pretty close approximation of a 10,000 square foot strip club environment better than what would be depicted in a two-dimensional image.

The image below shows the interior of a club in New York City. It is important to note that this is only a 2D screenshot, and if you were to view this on Google Maps, you would be able to move around the entire building, from the front entrance to the VIP areas:

Here is a short list of reasons why you may want to consider using Google Maps Business Photos:

1) By taking advantage of cutting-edge media for marketing, your club will stand out from other clubs being searched for, and will be considered ahead of the curve by comparison.

2) Prospective customers and talent can check out the facilities and get a feel for the club’s finishes, materials, and dimensions without having to physically visit the building prior to making an inquiry.

3) Having a virtual tour available demonstrates to prospective guests and talent that you are serious about investing in your business and attracting the best possible talent and clientele.

4) Google Maps is the most widely used navigation website in the world, with millions of daily page views.

The best part is that you don’t have to host anything on your website—a professional photographer captures the images and submits them to Google to be attached with your business listing on Google Maps. When a user searches for your business on Google Maps, they will see a photo link for your club’s virtual tour along with your business details. Users will even be able to see and take the tour without searching specifically for your business.

A handful of clubs are already using Google Maps to showcase their facilities. Go here to learn more about Google Maps Business Photos.

For more information on how you can implement a virtual tour for your club as well as additional strategies, contact Cabaret Marketing Group today at 248.871.7540. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @CabaretMG.

*Cabaret Marketing Group is not affiliated with Google or Google Maps Business Photos.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Three Main Types of Gentlemen's Clubs: High-End, Mid-Tier, & Downscale

As frequent guests of gentlemen’s clubs all around the United States, we here at Cabaret Marketing Group can attest to the diversity inherent in our business with regards to talent, clientele, and more. 

Many people outside of the strip club industry, however, don’t seem to have a clear understanding of how the business works, and they like to label our business as monolithically as possible—which couldn’t be farther from the truth!

There are three main buckets that gentlemen’s clubs fall into: high-end, mid-tier, and downscale. In this post, we’ll be discussing the characteristics that clubs in each of these buckets tend to have. Some bars won’t fall exactly into a single bucket; they might have aspects of two buckets, or—in rare cases—all three!

High-end gentlemen’s clubs:
  • represent 15 percent of all clubs
  • get 50 percent of strip club traffic
  • get 50 percent of the dollars
  • tend to be bigger, have more overhead, and higher costs of doing business
  • are often corporate-owned, which may present more consistency in terms of branding
  • independent, or non-chain, clubs in the high-end bucket can be a bit more laid-back compared to their corporate-owned counterparts
  • are less reliant on regulars and advertise heavily for this reason
  • attract a sophisticated, discerning type of customer who value aesthetics and are willing to pay a premium for it
  • typically offer upscale amenities such as valet parking, premium sound, etc.
  • are found only in major metropolitan areas or markets that experience heavy tourism

Mid-tier gentlemen’s clubs:
  • represent 35 percent of all clubs
  • get 35 percent of strip club traffic
  • get 35 percent of the dollars
  • are typically well-known clubs that have a neighborhood feel, and are usually less upscale than the high-end bars
  • will offer some of the same amenities as the high-end clubs, such as meal service and reserved seating
  • are more reliant on regular customers than high-end clubs, but less so than downscale clubs
  • are the most diverse  in terms of clientele and have a tendency to be make everyone feel welcome
  • often run more promotions and specials compared to high-end clubs
  • can often be found in medium-sized to larger cities, but usually not small towns 
  • tend to be independent and not corporate-owned
  • represent the prime target for corporate acquisition, branding, and franchising within the next 10 to 15 years

Downscale gentlemen’s clubs: 
  • represent 50 percent of all clubs
  • get 15 percent of strip club traffic
  • get 15 percent of the dollars
  • tend to have a blue-collar, hangout vibe which represents a large part of their appeal for most customers
  • may operate within a variety of niche categories and themes
  • rely heavily on regular customers and may have limited advertising resources
  • are found all over the country, from rural areas to small towns to larger cities
  • can be very lucrative for their owners as they don’t have the overhead that the mid-tier and high-end clubs have to deal with
  • are almost always independently owned and operated

As you can see, the strip club business is far more diverse than people give it credit for!

Now that you know which bucket your club falls into, understand that the effectiveness of the marketing tactics you use to boost your bottom line will depend heavily on the category that your club belongs to. What might work for your competitors may not work for you, and vice versa.

Get in touch with Cabaret Marketing Group today and we’ll tailor a custom strategy specific to your business in order to make your club as profitable as possible.

Remember to follow us on Twitter at @CabaretMG. For inquires, contact us at

Friday, January 24, 2014

Super strategies for Super Bowls

The Super Bowl is less than nine days away! What better to celebrate the Big Game in style, surrounded by friends, family, and...strippers? There's tons of food and fun and alcohol and socializing...all that's missing is the girls!

America's unofficial holiday is only nine days away, and yet it's one of the most under-capitalized events for gentlemen's clubs. That means there's not much time to get your club in high gear! Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that you can take to celebrate the Super Bowl at your bar in profitable fashion, and we'll touch on a few of these right now.

Many clubs are advertising discounted door charges for guests who arrive on the day of the Super Bowl. The problem is that most of your prospective customers spend the day watching the game in the comfort of their own homes, instead of taking advantage of your game-day discounts. How do you possibly compete with the largest televised sporting event in the world?

The answer is simple: by hosting an in-club viewer party! You can organize and host your Super Bowl party right at your club, complete with luxury accommodations, a full bar, wait service, several large-screen flatscreens, and several dozen naked ladies, of course!

Because this type of promotion targets individual customers and not groups, you can offer group rates and packages instead of individual discounts.

Whether it's seven degrees or seventy degrees--everyone loves a good tailgate party, especially a tailgate party at the best club in town. Get your talent and guests in the mood by hosting a pre-game tailgate party at your strip club!

Pre-game tailgating parties can be advertised to both individuals and large groups due to the laid-back nature of tailgating events. And because of the wide potential reach, this type of event is perfect for live social media updates. If the weather is less than pleasant, you can always host your tailgate indoors.

Just because the game ends doesn't mean that the party has to! Turn an otherwise slow Sunday night into one of your strongest nights of the year by kicking off a postgame celebration after the big game wraps up.

A postgame celebration allows your club to get into the groove for the night shift and capitalize off of the energy and passion of the Big Game. You can even blend this into your in-house Super Bowl event, or promote it as a separate event.

For more information on how to promote your club for the Super Bowl, contact Cabaret Marketing Group at 248.871.7540.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The importance of valet parking

Valet parking is an important aspect of the upscale gentlemen's club. Today's clubs are about creating the strongest possible experience for your employees, your talent, and your guests. If you are not utilizing valet parking services at your strip club, you are missing out!

Today, we're going to cover why valet parking is critical to your club's success. There are many reasons why your club should take advantage of valet parking aside from providing an additional revenue stream for your business. Here are a few of the more common reasons:

Valets are the very first people your guests and talent are going to interact with. When customers and prospective dancers drive up to your bar (or arrive in a taxi), their first impressions are going to be solidified by their interactions with the valet--not the property, not the landscaping, not the stage talent, not the interior, not the atmosphere, not the door girls, etc.

Creating a solid first impression right out of the gate is going to demonstrate to a prospective guest or dancer that your club is the real deal, and this will give them the confidence that they're going to have a fantastic time! It will also give prospective talent the impression that your club attracts the best possible clientele.

Having mandatory valet parking demonstrates to guests that your club is an upscale establishment and that generous tipping and spending is to be expected. It's important to have that reality conveyed quickly and efficiently, and the presence of a valet does an excellent job of doing this.

The most important responsibility that a valet has is protecting the property of the guests, staff, and dancers. Because of restrictive zoning regulations and licensing issues, many strip clubs are often located in locations that are sparsely populated. Further complicating things is the fact that eighty percent of your business takes place from 7pm to 3am.

So...expensive vehicles + after dark + few people around + no security = gold mine for criminals!

If nothing else, valets give added peace of mind and help to keep your property secure.

In areas that experience harsh climates, such as in the Midwest, valets can also assist with warming up cars and clearing snow from vehicles. Small gestures like this are often the difference between a guest coming to your club or your competitor across the street when he's ready to return next week.

Of course, many guests and dancers have mixed opinions on the usefulness of valet parking. Whenever you hear those types of comments, though, be sure to remind them of the above points to help frame their thinking about it. Remember, perception is reality! The most important thing that you have to remember over anything else is that clubs are mainly selling an experience.

If the usage of valet parking is cost prohibitive to your club because of insurance or other reasons, understand that there are many ways to structure the financial arrangement. You can also sub-contract the valet services to outside companies.

The next post in this series will explain why the type of valet you use is equally as important as the presence of a valet.

Contact Cabaret Marketing Group today if you would like more information on how to implement valet parking at your club or to utilize a better valet parking strategy! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter at @CabaretMG and on Facebook at

Cabaret Marketing Group is now up & running!

This is the official blog of Cabaret Marketing Group! We are a full-service marketing and advertising agency specializing in promoting upscale gentlemen's clubs.

On this blog you will find resources, tools, and other information that will help you take your upscale club to the next level! 

If you would like additional information or are interested in our services, be sure to contact us and we will follow up accordingly.